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Month: August 2024

Things to do in September

The kids are back in school but that doesn’t mean you don’t all deserve to put down the paper and pencils and have some fun on the weekends! Read More

What’s New This Week?

Looking for fun things to do this week?
We’ve got exciting activities for the whole family in all quadrants of the city. Read More

What’s Up This Week?

Looking for fun things to do this week?
We’ve got exciting activities for the whole family in all quadrants of the city. Read More

Back-to-School Contests

Enter one of our great Back-to-School contests and win! Read More

What’s Up This Week?

August 15 to 25 August 15, 5 to 8pm; IndiYEAH! Fest. A grand celebration of Indian Independence Day at Lot 6 that will include cultural performances, Indian cuisine, artwork, stories, photo booths and more. Learn more at indiyeahfest.ca. August 15 to 24; Globalfest: International Fireworks Festival. GlobalFest at Elliston Park is an annual celebration of Read More

What’s Up This Week?

Looking for fun things to do this week?
We’ve got exciting activities for the whole family in all quadrants of the city. Read More