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Category: What’s Up in Calgary?

Mother’s Day Recognition


RECOGNITION. It was the buzz word when I was completing my Human Resources degree. You know… intrinsic vs extrinsic rewards, motivators and drivers, yadda yadda yadda? I learned that some employees are driven by money, bonuses, and other tangible rewards. While others are driven by the people they work with, encouraging emails, or a simple pat on the back. These textbooks taught me how to provide (or find) a job with benefits that really matter, and how to be a boss that really understands motivators and drivers so their people don’t burn out. Read More

Things To Do Around Town

The end of January and (let’s face it) the entire month of February can feel like a bit of a drag – but it doesn’t have to be! We have some great activity suggestions all around the city to get you out of the house and enjoying the snowy weather. Silver Springs 13th Annual LEGO Read More

Save Your Holiday With The New PC® Insiders Collection™

Content provided by President’s Choice®; use your best judgement and choose what is right for your family. The holidays are the most magical time of the year, but with the high expectations we often put on ourselves to impress, it can also be a stressful season especially when you need to think about meal prepping for Read More

Holiday Shopping Survival Tips

By Ellen Percival, Calgary’s Child Magazine Holiday shopping is hectic at the best of times, but add a couple of unenthusiastic kids to the mix and you’ve got the potential for one huge headache. With a little patience (and planning ahead) shopping for the holidays can be a little less frenzied. Make a shopping list, Read More

Back-to-School: Buying Backpacks That Won’t Hurt Their Backs

provided by Cadence Sports Therapy With Calgary students returning to the classroom in a few short weeks, back-to-school shopping is a top priority for parents. While students may have strong ideas about what backpack they want to be sporting for the new year, to prevent long-term injuries, Dr. Angela Pucci urges parents to consider features, Read More

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