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Author: Calgary's Child

5 Tips for Giving Teacher Gifts

Teachers are a huge influence on the children they teach. Next to their parents or caregivers, teachers spend more time with your child than any other adult in their lives! If your child’s teacher has gone above and beyond to make their year special, a “thank you” gift at the end of the year is a Read More

Camp Questions Parents Need to Consider

Summer is just around the corner and many Calgarian parents are in planning mode. Whether it’s their first time away or their fifth, worrying about summer camp is never easy! What should I pack? Drama or basketball? What do I do if they get homesick? Residential or day camp? We’ve got you covered with this round-up Read More

Eating Out With Young Children

  by Calgary’s Child Magazine Going out for dinner is the easiest way we know to tame the “What’s for Dinner” battle cry! A night out at a restaurant can be a big treat for everyone in the family, especially if it’s a new experience for your smaller children. We’ve heard many stories from families Read More

Are You Sleepy?

Written by Dr. Susan Bartell; photo: Fotolia.com Are you tired? Me too! But, guess what… your child or teen is probably even more tired. In fact, 80 per cent of teens, and nearly 70 per cent of kids under 10 are sleep-deprived. Sleep deprivation can be a significant problem for kids, interfering with almost every Read More

Bicycle Helmet Safety from Calgary EMS

Every year Calgary paramedics respond to traumatic emergencies where helmets have prevented a serious injury or saved a life. Bicycle crashes are the leading cause of brain injury in school aged children. The majority of bicycle injuries do not involve motor vehicles. Most often injuries occur when a cyclist suffers a fall, strikes a stationary Read More

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