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Author: Calgary's Child

Cabin Fever? The City of Calgary Has the Cure!

Provided by the City of Calgary When the holiday season ends, and the dead of winter sets in, there is an inevitable gloominess that typically hits most families. The bored looks. The cranky behavior. The lack of patience. The constant irritability… The symptoms are easy to diagnose. It’s cabin fever. This winter, don’t let everyone Read More

Save Your Holiday With The New PC® Insiders Collection™

Content provided by President’s Choice®; use your best judgement and choose what is right for your family. The holidays are the most magical time of the year, but with the high expectations we often put on ourselves to impress, it can also be a stressful season especially when you need to think about meal prepping for Read More

Cold Weather Safety from Calgary EMS

Minus temperatures are here again – do you know what to do in the case of cold injury/illness? Emergency Medical Services (EMS) paramedics respond to a number of cold weather related emergencies every winter. However, by taking appropriate measures to dress properly, anticipate sudden weather changes and preparing to be out in the cold, may Read More

One Perfect Day in the Badlands

by Allison Percival, Calgary’s Child MagazineMost Calgarians have visited the Badlands at least once – this incredible, unique geological formation stretches all the way down to Arizona. It’s home to unique plant and animal life, rich natural resources, incredible rock formations – and, at least in our part of the Badlands, some world-class hospitality. If Read More

Make Eye Exams Part of Your Back-to-School Routine

provided by Hakim Optical Notebooks and binders, pens and pencils, a new lunch box and backpack, a new outfit — the staples of a typical back-to-school shopping list. However, one of the most important items to get your child ready to return to the classroom is often overlooked, and that is their eye health. To Read More

Stop Stampede Frowns Before They Start!

by Parenting Power Plan First Do a little planning before you head out. Decide what makes sense for your family and let your kids know the plan from the start; involve them in the planning if you can. Junk Food One corn dog, the works or somewhere in between? Decide now so that your kids Read More

Smartphone Etiquette

provided by Access to Culture July is National Cell Phone Courtesy Month, and a great time to talk to your kids about Smartphone etiquette. What do they need to know? Sharon Schweitzer, an international etiquette and modern manners expert, who is the founder of Access to Culture, offers these tips: Avoid texting, talking and driving: If Read More

24-Hour Movement Guidelines for the Early Years

By Heather Cowie, The City of Calgary Recreation It goes without saying that we want the best for our kids! As parents and caregivers, we try to do our best to navigate the messages, images, pressures, and expectations that come along with caring for a child, but it is not an easy task. As a Read More

March PSA – Burns & Scalds

From Alberta Health Services EMS Each year, Alberta Health Services, EMS, continues to respond to emergencies involving young children who have sustained severe burns or scalds. These incidents often occur inside the child’s own home. Common causes include a child accidentally tipping hot liquids onto themselves, touching hot surfaces such as stoves, or making contact Read More

Yielding to Emergency Vehicles from Calgary EMS

Time is the enemy in an emergency. For everyone’s safety, it is important for motorists to understand how to correctly yield right of way to emergency vehicles with lights and siren activated. You can help EMS, police, and fire get to the scene quickly and safely by: When an emergency vehicle approaches with lights and Read More

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