The Ultimate 2019 Summer Road-Trip Fight-the-Boredom Pack!
On July 23, 2019 by Calgary's ChildSara and her husband are busy planning their summer getaway to Jasper during the August long weekend. She can already predict this 6-hour long road trip will undoubtedly be filled with frequent pee/snack/mom-I-have-got-ants-in-my-pants pit stops.
Keeping Backyard Play Safe
On July 11, 2019 by Calgary's ChildEspecially in the summer months, children can be found playing in the ‘safety of their backyards’. To help keep them safe, parents must be aware that there are many potential hazards in the backyard that can result in injury to their children. Calgary EMS would like to pass along these important backyard safety tips.
Family Fun in “Kidifornia”
On June 12, 2019 by Calgary's ChildWe had the opportunity a couple of weeks ago to enjoy the Vancouver International Children’s Festival courtesy of Kidifornia, a new initiative by Visit California, and WestJet. With over a million Canadians already visiting California every single year, it’s a favorite destination for us, especially during our cold winters.
Serve Some Fun at the Alberta Tennis Centre!
On June 3, 2019 by Calgary's ChildLooking to stay active this summer? Tennis is the way to go. Kids can improve their tennis game and have fun at Nike Tennis Camps at the Alberta Tennis Centre in Calgary this summer.
Who’s Ruling the Household?
On May 24, 2019 by Calgary's ChildWhen we are presenting to audiences of 200+ or talking with individual coaching clients, one thing we hear more often than we would expect is,
“My child won’t let me…”
Many times, without anyone actually realizing it is happening, children are ruling the home. The children have the power and the parents, while not happy about it, throw up their hands, shrug their shoulders and go along with it.
Mother’s Day Recognition
On April 26, 2019 by Calgary's ChildPROMOTIONAL CONTENT
RECOGNITION. It was the buzz word when I was completing my Human Resources degree. You know… intrinsic vs extrinsic rewards, motivators and drivers, yadda yadda yadda? I learned that some employees are driven by money, bonuses, and other tangible rewards. While others are driven by the people they work with, encouraging emails, or a simple pat on the back. These textbooks taught me how to provide (or find) a job with benefits that really matter, and how to be a boss that really understands motivators and drivers so their people don’t burn out.
Are Our Kids Overdoing It?
On April 25, 2019 by Calgary's ChildThis week, ask yourself these questions:
Are we sedentary? How often are members of our family moving?
Are we solitary? Are we having face-to-face conversations regularly?
Are we involved in screen-free free time?
Looking for exciting summer camps? Try something different.
On April 15, 2019 by Calgary's ChildProvided by the City of Calgary Have you ever heard, “Hey Mom watch this!”? That is your child taking pride in showing off a new accomplishment. It is important for kids to try new things as they grow up. New experiences broaden their imagination and decrease their discomfort with things unknown. Children develop confidence and
Clear the Slate and Move On!
On March 15, 2019 by Calgary's ChildProvided by Parenting Power Have you ever found yourself critiquing yourself repeatedly for a mistake you made a while ago? Perhaps you wish that you had used a better “comeback” or had been calm-cool-and-collected instead of out-of-control-heated-and-LOUD! You are not alone! We all make mistakes in our interactions with other adults and especially in interactions
Have We Forgotten How to Eat Together?
On January 29, 2019 by Calgary's Childprovided by Presidents’ Choice® Eating together – we’ve done it since the beginning of time, when hunters and gatherers shared their spoils. Kids eat together on the playground, and college students dine in shared dorm rooms, but as we get older and take on day jobs, are we still eating together? Apparently, not so much.